Florida's Hidden Gem

Updates coming soon!

WHY? I created this project spontaneously on the last day of my free trial of Articulate Storyline. There are still a few elements missing and a few revisions that need to be made based on some feedback I received. The prototype is still fully functional so ENJOY!

Project Overview

Inspired by the release of new features in Articulate, I created a panoramic destination experience using a 360° image in Articulate 360.

The goal of this project was simple: I wanted to learn to utilize the new features in Articulate 360 and try my hands with new technology.

Design Process

In order to create a panoramic experience in Articulate Storyline, you need to find a good 360° image. I knew I wanted this project to have a destination or vacation theme and I found an image I liked with a large lighthouse on the beach using PixelID. After a few google searches, I was able to find out the name of the lighthouse and it's location: Bill-Baggs Lighthouse in Key Biscayne, Florida.

Next, I did research to find out more about Key Biscayne and any local attractions. I then identified the points within the image I wanted to draw attention to. I created an outline and filled it with interesting facts.

Development Process

Developing this experience was actually pretty simple if you know your way around Articulate.

I added markers, updated the hotspot design to match the project's color scheme, and added in a progress indicator so the user knew how many hotspots were available within the image.

I also added variables to ensure the user would engage with each hotspot before exiting*. You can check to see how I did this with the image on the right. Lastly, I changed the introductory image to a video and added in some tropical music to add more appeal.

*Note: This feature wasn't necessary for this project but it would be helpful if creating a escape room or an assessment using a 360° image and you required the learner to check a number of items before completing the course.